Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane...

I saw this on my on my sister's blog, and thought it was fun to reminisce a bit, here's a few instructions if you should feel inclined...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Layton family said...

Ha Ha, I will call you when I get done writing this. When Maddie was out visiting she was playing with her Barbies. I told her it was really fun to get toilet paper and make casts out of it. She thought I was the dumbest person she'd ever heard talk. Then I told her how creative we used to have to get, about frosted mini wheat couches, and homemade tents sown into our bedspreads to make roofs for their houses. I remember you initiating me into all things social. I will begin with the time you ran away with a bag of plums. I wanted the same attention that got for you , so I asked mom about the birds and the bees. But of course I already knew about it because you had told me. Then there was 6th grade and my big sis was a cheerleader, so I tried out. Your friends all thought I was so cute and little that I made the team for 7th grade (they were the judges). The I didn't make the team 8th grade year.Since cheer didn't work out, and that was your thing, I tried the opposite: Soccer. After my tomboy stage was over I came to you again for social help. That's where stealing the clothes began. You must see it is only a little sis' admiration. Do you remember when we went to TOHS and walked right onto the football field when they were practicing. We were checking out the highschools before we knew which one we were going to. A few of the boys came over and talked to us. Which I knew would not have happened without you there, and I am certain I did not say a word. Remember they told us not to go to NP because they had gang shootings. What the crap was that guy talking about? After a couple months, you helped me out of my shell, and that is where the BOYS came in. We have rehashed crazy memories from that period a lot lately so I will spare you the embarrassment! I love you EM. IF you hadn't helped me socially I would probably be like that scary skinny lady from the boys baseball games that you and Lara told me I was going to be like when I grew up.

Kristi said...

Lots of things come to mind: Going to the gym, the "Harvey Washbangers" phase, the time you turned into Kroger a little early and ended up in the construction zone and messed up your van, your 30th birthday party, hanging out at the pool all summer, Wednesday lunches...I miss those days. Now, I get it when people say that going to school as a young family will be some of the best memories. It's not the whole being poor part, it's the people we left behind. I sure miss ya!

Elizabeth said...

Hey Emily! This is such a cute idea Laura had. I loved reading what she posted about you two. You can really tell you two are the best of friends! One of the memories that I have of you was when I came to stay with you guys in Indiana you had this cute car (The Lamans I think it was called) and you would drive me around all over town. You even let me drive and tried to teach me how to drive a stick shift. I looked up to you because you were so popular with all the guys. I remember you being madly in love with some guy in Indiana-I can't remember his name but you two were pretty serious. I remember going with you to get your senior pictures I think it was. I remember thinking how pretty you were and how jealous I was. Another fond memory that has been on going everytime I see you is the competitive game playing. You definitely get a lot of pleasure out of winning a game!!!!!!!:)

Frayer Family said...

I have this same thing on my blog, so you'd better leave a memory on mine too. Man...there are a million memories to try and think of. Of course I love the competition we have when we play the game "Sorry" or Phase 10. Remember when we went hiking in Cedar and we chopped down christmas trees and took those funny pictures...that we were embarressed to show anyone. Then we made ornaments to go on our tree. That time when you guys came over to play games and you were pregnant and you couldn't stop eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (because you liked the homemade jelly that my mom made). That time we went up the mountain and had those hamburger and potato dinners in tinfoil and we all got sick and came back to our house. You had to sit by the open door (to air yourself out)(I know you hate me for saying that!) Of course the sentimental memories like being in the delivery room when Maddie was born, when you spoke at Jays baptism, when Jared sang at his baptism (remember when Jared couldn't stop laughing when he was trying to practice the song at our house), and of course the temple (when we got sealed) made Alex's temple dress. When we snuck into your apartment while you were out of town and cleaned it spotless to surprise you when you got home (however that is when we got the sad news that you were leaving Cedar City). That time me and cindy came to visit you in California and we went to Knotts Berry Farm and afterwards we came out and our tire was flat!! That was crazy!! (Cindy changed the tire after we exhausted all our options). Remember when we went to Disney Land and we dressed maddie and alex the same and everyone kept asking us if they were twins. I could go on and on... I love you guys!!